FitKit™60 High School Personal Finance Curriculum
FitKit™ 60 High School is a comprehensive 60-hour personal finance curriculum that teaches high school students the entire spectrum of fiscal skills necessary for success, including income and careers; pay, benefits and deductions; taxes; budgeting; banks and banking; savings and investments; credit; and insurance. Our curriculum sets itself apart with original, engaging, interactive content, pre- and post-test assessments, and continual support from DoughMain Financial Literacy Foundation. FitKit™ High School meets the National Standards for Personal Financial Education developed by the Council for Economic Education and the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy and offers varied instructional strategies, including the use of videos, presentations, humor, blogging, and social collaboration. This empowers educators to customize the curriculum to better fit their needs so that it truly resonates with their students.
FitKit™ High School Unit Introduction Videos
FitKit™ High School is a Complete Turnkey Solution
DoughMain Financial Literacy Foundation programs are offered via:
FitKit™ High School eLearning Presentation Platform
The FitKit™ High School presentation platform allows schools and school districts to register and assign educators to the online classroom environment. Teachers then invite students into the classroom and teach the course online or in-person. The platform records student assessment, worksheet responses, and scores. The e-learning platform has an annual registration fee of $495.00 and costs $3.00 per active user per month.
FitKit™ High School Teacher Platform
Schools and districts can subscribe and teachers can present directly from the platform and have access to downloadable teacher and student resources. The presentation platform has an annual registration fee of $995.00 and costs $12.00 per active user per month.
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